Heaven And Earth / Himmel und Erde, 2014
wood, wire, oil paint, tree seed
Holz, Draht, Ölfarbe, Baumsamen
39cm high / hoch

Veracitas, 2014
wood, wire, puppet head, enamel, brake disc, epoxy, glass
Holz, Draht, Puppenkopf, Lack, Bremsscheibe, Epoxitharz, Glas
71cm high / hoch

Balance, 2017
wood, wire, epoxy, oil paint, ceramic, enamel
Holz, Draht, Epoxidharz, Ölfarbe, Keramik, Lack
60 cm high / hoch

Burnt Twice, Still No Phoenix, 2015
wire, epoxy, ceramic, enamel
Draht, Epoxidharz, Keramik, Lack,
50 cm high / hoch

Failure Makes Free / Scheitern Macht Frei, 2015
wire, epoxy, ceramic, brush
Draht, Epoxidharz, Keramik, Pinsel
41 cm high / hoch

Dance of Nature / Tanz der Natur, 2013
Mixed material
22 x 17 x 17 cm